Test for new year movie

About Films

Harry Potter

The life of ten-year-old Harry Potter cannot be called sweet: his parents died as soon as he was one year old, and from his uncle and aunt who took the orphan into foster care, they only get jabs and cuffs. But on Harry's eleventh birthday, everything changes. A strange guest who unexpectedly appears on the doorstep brings a letter from which the boy learns that in fact he is a purebred wizard and accepted into Hogwarts - a school of magic. And in a couple of weeks, Harry will be racing on the Hogwarts Express train towards a new life, where incredible adventures, loyal friends and, most importantly, the key to unraveling the mystery of his parents' death await him.

Home Alone

An American family leaves Chicago for Europe, but in a hurry to get ready, stupid parents forget at home ... one of their children. The young creature, however, is not lost and shows wonders of ingenuity. And when robbers enter the house, they have to regret meeting with a cute baby more than once.

The Grinch

Anyone in the place of the Grinch would turn green and mad. As a decent introvert, he lives in a dark cave at the very top of the mountain away from everyone, but these “all” are preparing a grandiose celebration of the new year. They make noise, decorate everything and wildly enrage. Who would deny himself the pleasure of spoiling the holiday? The Grinch decides to steal the New Year.

Last Christmas

Kate, who works in a Christmas store, is a heavy drinker and has long since given up worrying about her own life. But everything changes after meeting the sweet and charming Tom.